Tenaris to lead project in Europe to improve circularity of steel sector

Representatives from industry and academia working in the ReMFra project coordinated by Tenaris Tenaris

Tenaris will coordinate a project that aims to demonstrate the sustainability of new processes which valorize steelmaking residues, thereby increasing the circularity and sustainability of the EU steel industry.

The Recovering Metals and Mineral Fraction from steelmaking residues, known as the ReMFra project, and co-financed by Horizon Europe, aims to promote circular practices in the steel industry. A consortium has been created from industry and academia, including Tenova, RINA-CSM, K1-MET, Voestalpine, Thyssenkrupp, TATA Steel NL, CELSA, ESTEP, FEhS and Montanuniversität Loeben that met last week at Tenaris mill in Dalmine, Italy, to officially kick-off the project.

The consortium partners will work together for 3.5 years to develop and validate two highly efficient pyrometallurgic melting and reduction demonstration plants at industrial scale to recover metals and minerals fraction from a wide range of steelmaking residues.

Leveraging their respective field of expertise, the partners will work to develop two main technologies: Plasma Reactor and RecoDust. The first will be dedicated to the recovery of residues containing high percentages of iron oxide (scale, sludge, slag) with the aim of producing pig iron by using recycled plastic waste as a reducing agent. The second will focus on Zinc recovery from dusts derived from Basic Oxygen Furnace fume abatement system through its reduction into a gas stream containing Hydrogen.

“We are proud to lead such an important project,” said Fabio Praolini, environment regional director at Tenaris, “this kind of initiative, where there is a keen awareness of a circular economy in the steel sector, are especially important today. This experience will certainly be useful for reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources and therefore Europe’s reliance on foreign supplies.”


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